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HIGH STAKES. Our two priorities.

Against a backdrop of major international development, our aim is to provide a safe, respectful working environment for all of our employees. This approach is built on a foundation of shared company values, and on two priorities: to roll out an effective Health & Safety policy, and to implement an ambitious Social Policy across the Group.

SOCIAL COMMITMENT. Key figures in 2021.

  • More than 400 internal areas of expertise

  • 51% of our employees are field operations agents

  • 88% of countries have a training matrix related to Health & Safety

  • + 103,600 training hours

  • 96.3% of employees are on permanent contracts

IN PRACTICE. Some examples in South Africa and France.

In South Africa, JCDecaux supports the government initiative B-BBEE (Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment), which promotes the economic emancipation of disadvantaged persons from ethnic minorities. As such, the JCDecaux subsidiary participated in the creation of 25 subcontracting companies employing 140 historically disadvantaged individuals.
In France, Cyclocity®, JCDecaux’s self-service bike rental subsidiary, has developed an innovative programme for detainees with the objective of preparing them for their professional reintegration at the end of their detention. With the approval of the Prison Administration, Cyclocity® set up prison workshops for the integration of detainees through economic activity - by repairing Vélo’V and VélÔToulouse bicycles. The aim of these workshops is to teach them new skills with a view to their possible recruitment in the company.