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Wuhan Bus

  • Coverage advantage: JCD operates 8,508 urban buses throughout 13 administrative districts and 3 national-level economic development zones in Wuhan.
  • Coverage advantage: 100% of all urban business districts of Wuhan (23 business districts such as Jianghan Road Business District, Wuhan Plaza Business District, Wuhan Tiandi Business District, Zhongnan Business District, Optics Valley Business District, Xudong Business District, Wangjiawan Business District, etc.
  • Media advantage: Fully wrapped bus-body media is suitable for creative campaign and can deliver the  strong visual impact. The media format of 2-side Panels and Rear Panel has the advantage of high cost performance and rapid improvement of brand awareness.

Contact Us

Wuhan JCDecaux Bus Advertising Co., Ltd.
Address: Room No.8-9, 7th Floor, Fanyue City Tower 2, 21 Guanshan Avenue, East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone, Wuhan 430070, China
Tel: (86 27) 8555 1618 